The Center de la Mer provides clients with a global offer of expertise and engineering to deal with development and infrastructure projects ports of all sizes, from the environmental characterization of sites, the inventory of needs, the legal and economic study to the realization, support in regulatory environmental procedures and assistance with interview follow-ups
The association within the Center de la Mer of teams of expert engineers and project managers (quays, dredging, roads, networks, structures, handling tools), specialists in traffic and travel, he experts in the environment of natural and human environments, geotechnicians, hydraulic engineers, geologists, maintenance and safety specialists, etc. allow a comprehensive and coherent approach to a complete port infrastructure project. Each project can thus be handled in all its technical and environmental components by integrated teams
The hydroelectric dam was completed in 1990. Until 2000, it was used to create a 477 km² reservoir for a volume of water of 11 billion m3. In 2001, a hydro-electric power station....
The Center de la mer carried out the inspection of 29 bridges as part of the inspection of the works of the national road network requested by AGEROUTE and carried out by ICA and Rincent BTP,...
The salvage of the wreck of the MS le joola is a requirement of the collective of the families of victims. The Head of State then commissioned a study from us to verify the condition of the wreck and to propose a ...
26, Rte de la Corniche Estate, Dakar, Sénégal
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