Maritime and river works

Maritime and river works

CDLM is specialized in a wide range of river and maritime services, from inspection to completion, covering the entire West African region:




Bathymetry is the science of measuring the ocean’s depths and relief to determine its topography.


The CDLM offers precise bathymetry operations, which allow us to:


  • Provide a solid basis for any port, coastal or river development study
  • Accurately assess the draught of ships that can be accommodated in channels, in order to optimize the use of available depths (impact on ship loading)
  • Ensure detailed seabed understanding as part of flood prevention
  • Understand seabed evolution mechanisms and define relevant maintenance and operational strategies accordingly

Maintenance work on engineering structures

Most of Senegal’s quays are over 30 years old. Regular and appropriate maintenance is therefore necessary to ensure the structure’s sustainability, which generally requires between 25 and 50 years of depreciation.

To this end, we regularly intervene in:

  • Repointing work (leaking joints)
  • Scouring closure work
  • Welded lining work for sheet pile docks
  • Crowning resumption
  • Closure of cavities
  • Bridge pier relining

Dock fenders

Where necessary, CDLM supplies and installs quay fenders. In the case of structures that are not accessible by land, barges equipped with cranes provide these services. CDLM has carried out fender installation work for the Port of Dakar, the French Navy and the supply and installation of fenders at the French Navy’s large wharf.

Cathodic protection of structures

The CDLM supplies and installs cathodic protection or special impressed current protection for maritime river structures (bridge piles, sheet piling, dams, etc.). Our specialists can conduct a pro-cathodic study beforehand to define the type of cathodic protection required.

Laying of optical fiber cables

CDLM has assisted the installation of most transcontinental optical fiber cables serving Senegal.

Some of our projects:

  • Laying of submarine cable in Ouakam and at the University for the Africa Coast to Europe project, ACE, linking 23 countries, between France and South Africa
  • Participation of CDLM in the upgrade of the SAT-3/WASC/SAFE submarine cable for Alcatel-Lucent
  • Landing of optical fibre cable on Hanse Bernard beach, Dakar

Engineering structure inspection

It is essential to appraise and control a work of art in order to control the durability of the structures and the safety of the users. These studies and underwater inspections allow the project owner to plan the maintenance work necessary for the good performance of the works and the deadlines. The study report is composed of a detailed plan, execution methodologies, photo and video report, and finally recommendations. Within the framework of certain studies, coring work on the partly underwater quays is carried out and then analyzed in the laboratory in order to determine the good performance of the concrete.


The CDLM regularly carries out small to medium-sized dredging operations using a suction hopper, a submersible pump or a long arm excavator mounted on barges.

Some of our dredging projects:

  • Dakarnave Syncrolift
  • Senelec’s channel for seawater removal
  • Dredging of banks for the construction of the Trans-Gambia Bridge

Staff provision and equipment hire

When it comes to major port or bridge construction projects, the CDLM regularly provides construction teams, scuba divers and equipment such as barges, launches, excavators, loaders, truck cranes, etc. Please contact us for a detailed list of staff and equipment we can provide.

CDLM Maritime and river works

Center de la Mer is a maritime, river and port works company based in Senegal offering more than fifteen services

Centre of the Mer



26, Rte de la Corniche Estate, Dakar, Sénégal

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